Steevie Bereiter
As the Western Tier Safety Director, Steevie leads the development of the safety strategic plans and programs for the Western Tier and supports the market areas and front-line leaders executing those plans and safety programs, providing guidance aligned with WM’s people-first commitment to safety as a core value. In 2007, Steevie was hired on at WM as a helper in the greater Seattle, Washington area. Steevie obtained her commercial driver’s license with the help of her District Manager and designated driver trainer. Her next role was as a commercial driver supporting all lines of business. At the time there were very few women in the driver role or at any level of leadership roles at WM. Steevie has been with WM for 17+ years and held operational roles in both collections and recycling before transitioning to Safety, where she worked in the Four Corners area before becoming the Southern California Area Safety Director. In SoCal, Steevie was responsible for supporting Market Area safety principles and leadership by establishing resources for safety processes, and she successfully led efforts in the area to reduce overall risk scores and enhance coaching effectiveness. Outside of WM, Steevie is an avid powerlifter that has competed in National and State events. Steevie and her spouse of 33 years share a love of traveling up and down the west coast in their RV to enjoy time surfing.